Just as the herds leave, a glacier (which contains two sea reptiles from the Mesozoic era, Cretaceous and Maelstrom) breaks off and eventually melts, releasing the aquatic villains into the melting world. After the vultures morbid speech, the masses of animals comically head for the boat, leaving in pairs and families and Scrat follows the trio to the boat. However, as the vulture further explained, the valley had exactly three days before the dam would break and reach the geyser fields until: "BOOM!", the water would rise and flood the valley. He then offhandedly mentions a giant boat at the end of the valley which could save them all, much to the valley residents relief. The animals good spirits quickly fall, however, as an intimidating vulture convinces the animals that a terrible flood is coming. However, the animals merely laugh it off, while a pretentious ardvark asks Manny why they should follow his survival advice when his own kind, the mammoths, have gone extinct. After they accidentally fall down the waterfall, Manny warns everyone of the valley's impending doom, if the damn should break. Only the glaciers outer layers, which formed a dam, kept the valley from flooding. As Manny goes with Diego to the top of the waterfall to save Sid, from his act of daredevilry, they discover that the pleasant weather caused the inner-layers ice of the valley's giant, bowl shaped glacier to melt. Manfred dismisses the idea, but is quickly distracted after he sees Sid trying to high dive from a giant waterfall. Two boys run in fear after Fast Tony (a six banded armadillo), the valley's local con artist, claims that the earth will flood and that the bark and reeds (which he sells) are crucial for survival.

After Sid leaves, Manny tells a story to keep the rambunctious toddlers at bay, until a young song bird asks Manny about his "big, happy family" leaving him silent (conflicted by old memories). After being teased and insulted by his joking friends, Sid leaves his camp seeking a daring deed to gain respect. Through the fun, Sid opens a day camp for children, where none of the younger creatures (nor his mocking friends Manny and Diego) take him seriously. Among them, also enjoying the weather, are our three protagonists from the first film: Manfred, Sid, and Diego. The frozen world of ice and snow is slowly thawing, though the creatures, of the Ice Age, pay no attention and continue enjoying themselves on slides and pools made by the melting ice. gavin the opening scene, Scrat, the saber-toothed squirrel climbs a glacier and comically zips away as he spits out gallons of water, after gnawing a hole in the ice. So our three heroes, along with Ellie, Crash and Eddie, form the most unlikely family-in any "Age"- as they embark on a mission across an ever-changing, increasingly dangerous landscape towards their salvation. The only chance of survival lies at the other end of the valley. Manny, Sid and Diego quickly learn that the warming climate has one major drawback: A huge glacial dam holding off oceans of water is about to break, threatening the entire valley.

Their only problems: They can't stand each other-and Ellie somehow thinks she's a possum! Ellie comes with some excess baggage in the form of her two possum "brothers"- Crash and Eddie, a couple of daredevil pranksters and cocky, loud-mouthed troublemakers. That is, until he miraculously finds Ellie, the only female mammoth left in the world. Manny may be ready to start a family, but nobody has seen another mammoth for a long time Manny thinks he may be the last one. Manny the woolly mammoth, Sid the sloth, Diego the saber-toothed tiger, and the hapless prehistoric squirrel/rat known as Scrat are still together and enjoying the perks of their now melting world.